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Want to Worship at Henderson?

Henderson United Methodist Church offers traditional worship service such as prayers, liturgies, music resources and more to enhance the worship experience. We worship all together for the first part. 


Children who participate in start by joining their families in the worship service. After approximately 15 minutes in worship with their families, the children will be picked up by a teacher or volunteer and brought to Children's Ministry.





Bible Stories & Henderson Stories is a children’s program that will be part of Henderson’s Sunday worship service. It will be an opportunity for Henderson adult members and children to share and create their own unique stories together based on Bible narratives. These collaborative stories between adults and children can help all church members to understand how the lessons from the Bible apply to our daily lives.


During the children’s time, there will be conversations regarding how we have applied the Bible stories that we all know and love as Christians. By sharing how our faith journey has been shaped by these stories, we can help the children to understand how the lessons from the Bible are to be applied to their daily lives. As Bible stories are God’s stories told through the lives of human beings over the years, that means Henderson Stories are also a part of God’s overall story. 


And through the sharing of the stories of Henderson UMC, our history, tradition, and personal experiences, we can reveal to each other how God's redemptive grace and restoring love has been at work in our very midst. This can be a wonderful opportunity to come together as a church community and encourage our children to see how they too are part of God's story through our congregation.


The children's time will mainly consist of 3 parts (5-7 mins for parts 1 & 2):  


1. Bible Stories from Saddleback Kids

2. Conversation & Lesson 

3. Craft


If you have any questions about worship, please don't hesitate to contact 





Every Sunday from 10:00am


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